The absence of the voice of elders in discussions about their care, safety, and lives severely limits the insights needed to protect their human rights. Without their input, understanding mistreatment and trauma in long-term care homes remains incomplete, and transparency and accountability are compromised. The power imbalance between elders and care facilities persists, leaving their basic human rights unrecognized and systemic issues hidden. Without elders’ voices being equally represented in decision-making, policies and enforcement will remain weak.
Without genuine commitment to listen to elders, they will remain voiceless and unable to form authentic partnerships with stakeholders. The sharing of personal stories and emotional support are essential in preventing future traumas, making initiatives such as the Elder Voice Family Advocates crucial in reshaping the long-term care landscape. This group of courageous women turned their grief into empowerment and advocacy, paving the way for justice, dignity, and safety for vulnerable elders.
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