Queer Menopause is a website that aims to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ experiences in menopause, and advocate for better education for healthcare providers. The menopausal transition can be a challenging time, and the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals can differ from those of cisgender and straight individuals. Unfortunately, existing resources and discussions about menopause often fail to be inclusive of LGBTQ+ experiences. This is why Queer Menopause founder Tania Glyde emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and supporting the menopause experiences of nonbinary and trans people. This lack of inclusivity can lead to discrimination and inadequate care for LGBTQ+ individuals going through menopause, as highlighted in a study published in The Lancet. In order for LGBTQ+ individuals to receive the proper care and support during menopause, it’s crucial for healthcare providers to educate themselves and consider more inclusive language and treatment options. The need for inclusive menopause resources extends beyond the LGBTQ+ community and should include individuals from all marginalized communities, as emphasized by Glyde. By promoting greater visibility and inclusivity in menopause conversations, we can ensure that everyone’s unique experiences are recognized and addressed.