Expressing oneself in old school slang can sometimes lead to confusion, as demonstrated by a recent interaction with a younger individual. The phrases “letting his freak flag fly,” “paid four large for that jewelry??” and “not a burn artist” garnered perplexed responses, highlighting the generation gap in understanding.
While the internet offers a window into contemporary slang, trying to keep pace with the ever-evolving lexicon can feel futile. Terms like “riz,” “flex,” and “yeet” remain a mystery, causing feelings of awkwardness when attempting to use them in conversation.
Embracing classic phrases like “full tilt boogie,” “Let’s book,” and “whatta drag” may elicit puzzled looks, but they hold a nostalgic charm that transcends time. Perhaps one day, they’ll even be a Jeopardy category!
Your Turn
What old school slang do you still cherish or miss? How do people react when you incorporate it into conversations? Are there any modern terms that continue to elude your comprehension? Share your experiences in the comments!
Virge Randall is Senior Planet’s Managing Editor. As a freelance culture reporter, she uncovers hidden gems and unsung treasures in New York City. Her blog, “Don’t Get Me Started,” offers a unique perspective on the city. Submit your suggestions for Open Threads to
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