Digital Health Intelligence releases new report on NHS Trusts’ Digital Maturity Assessment scores
A recent snapshot report by Digital Health Intelligence delves into the Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA) scores of NHS trusts in England, offering insights into the progress and challenges in healthcare digital transformation.
With NHS England gearing up for the 2024 assessment round, the report highlights key success metrics, regional disparities, and improvement areas to achieve the goal of all trusts attaining a minimum level of digital maturity by 2025.
The report emphasizes the need for proactive interventions and the use of digital technologies to improve patient outcomes. As preparations for the second year of DMA assessment commence, the findings set the stage for ongoing evaluation and enhancement of digital readiness within the NHS.
The DMA, a self-assessment tool for trusts and Integrated Care Systems, measures organizations across seven dimensions based on the What Good Looks Like (WGLL) Framework, scoring them from one to five.
Key findings
The DHI report reveals that ‘Ensure smart foundations’ emerged as the top-performing success measure, while ‘Empower citizens’ requires significant improvement across trusts. Top-performing trusts scored between 3.6 and 3.9, with notable use of EPR systems from MEDITECH, Epic, and Oracle Health.
Conversely, trusts with lower performance reported scores ranging from 1.6 to 1.9, some without EPR systems installed. Despite individual trust successes, the overall NHS score must improve to meet the 2025 deadline, as indicated by the aggregate ICS DMA scores.
Access the full report for more detailed insights for DHI subscribers.