Have you ever wondered what to do with your old newspaper? In Japan, The Mainichi Shimbun newspaper has come up with a unique solution – a ‘green’ newspaper that you can plant once you’re done with it. The paper contains embedded seeds, providing a sustainable way to dispose of old newspapers and contribute to the environment.
The concept was developed as a way to clean up urban areas and raise awareness about environmental issues such as climate change and sustainability. The special edition of the newspaper was printed on 100% biodegradable paper with plant-based inks, and each page contained seeds that would sprout into flowers when planted.
The initiative has been successful, with the Japanese Daily’s daily circulation exceeding four million copies nationwide and revenues surpassing eighty million yen. It has also involved schools, educating children and raising awareness about environmental issues.
The idea for the green newspaper originated from Dentsu Inc, one of Japan’s largest advertising agencies, in collaboration with The Mainichi. This initiative is part of a larger trend of embracing sustainable planting initiatives, with businesses and individuals adopting eco-friendly materials like seed sticks and plantable papers for various purposes.
Seed paper, which is made from recycled paper, water, and small flower or herb seeds, is becoming increasingly popular. You can even make it at home by following simple steps like blending old paper, adding seeds, and drying the pulp.
So, next time you come across a newspaper, consider recycling it into something new or opt for plantable cards for special occasions. By doing so, you can contribute to the planet’s well-being, one page at a time.