The regular practice of mindfulness has many positive effects on our physical, mental and spiritual health.
It is one of the most powerful self-care tools we can use to relieve stress, alleviate pain, decrease anxiety, improve mood, sleep better, increase inner peace and awareness, and promote a richer, more meaningful and fulfilling life overall.
That is why finding more ways to be mindful in your daily life should be a primary component of all self-care plans. Pairing mindfulness with proper diet and lifestyle changes has been a vital tool for me to manage stress and maintain recovery from anxiety, depression, compulsive overeating, and addiction for more than three decades. It is a main component of my coaching program.
The “secret” to becoming more mindful is to simply bring your full attention to every activity throughout your day and be fully present, no matter what that activity is.
Examples of Mindfulness Practices:
- Communing with Nature: Focus your complete concentration on the sky, clouds, sunset, trees, or the sound of nature.
- Taking a Walk: Focus completely on the experience of the moment and the sounds of nature around you.
- Listening to Music: Think about nothing except the sounds of the music and let it pull you deeper inward.
- Dance: Turn on the music and dance around, using your body and the music as the focal point.
- Silence: Sit or lie down in complete silence and focus on how still it is.
- In the Shower or Bath: Close your eyes and sink into the experience completely.
- When You Cook: Appreciate the process of preparing your food and the sensory experiences involved.
- At Bedtime: Focus on how your mattress feels and let yourself sink deep into it completely.
- When You Eat: Slow down and experience your food and the process of eating fully.
- Making Love: Be present with each touch, sensation, emotion, and movement with your partner.
- With Loved Ones: Stop and be present when interacting with loved ones, appreciating their presence in your life.
- Emotions: Allow yourself to feel all your emotions fully, even the undesirable ones.
These are just some of the ways that you can become more mindful. Just bring your full attention to each and every experience in your day. It’s an easy, practical, cost-free way to enrich your life and optimize your mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Enhancing Mindfulness with Meditation
Now that you know how to be more mindful in your daily life, you can take it a step further and enhance your benefits even more with mindfulness-based meditation. In my audio course, The Breath Stream Technique, I teach a technique I have been using for decades to manage stress and anxiety, sleep better, and enhance my health and well-being. You’ll learn how to use mindfulness and breathwork to conquer stress and anxiety, experience deep relaxation, sleep better, and elevate health and well-being without a big investment in time, so you can become more of who you want to be and live life more fully.
Do you have any daily mindfulness activities that you’d like to share?