We’ve received a lot of attention this week for our Big Salad newsletter, with features in the Wall Street Journal and Elle, which has been incredibly exciting! Normally, I’m the one conducting interviews, so being on the other side has been a fun, wild, and nerve-racking experience.
In my interview with Madison Feller for Elle, we discussed my first job, writing advice, my killer Airbnb wishlist, and the time I invited a Frankies Spuntino waiter over for Thanksgiving. She also asked about the best and worst career advice I’ve ever received. (I’d love to hear your answers to these questions, too!) Here’s what I had to say…
The best career advice I’ve ever heard: Emily Henderson said, “People, especially women, will often do something for free because they love it. But if you love something, you are better at it. You’re more valuable. You’re faster. You think about it on your off time, and you bring a lot of energy to it. If you love it, you should charge more, not less.”
The worst career advice I’ve ever heard: Sometimes, people say, “Just say yes, and you’ll figure it out. Just take the opportunity.” I disagree. You can say no. In fact, maybe you should say no a lot. I’ve said no so many times, and it’s been essential to my career. Just find a kind and gracious way to say no, and say it over and over until there’s something that will really bring you value or a real reason for doing it. Definitely don’t say yes to everything. That advice is bananas. Get good at saying no.
What about you? I’d love to hear your answers to those prompts. And here’s the full Elle interview, if you’d like to read. Thank you, Madison!
P.S. Check out the mentor myth, and hear from nine people sharing their best career advice.