Have you ever heard of narcissistic abuse and how it can involve a narcissist undermining, love-bombing, and gaslighting their target to gain power in the relationship? But what happens when the target breaks free or gains control back? Unfortunately, the narcissistic individual may launch what’s known as a “narcissistic smear campaign.” This occurs typically when they are completely done with the person.
According to Kate Danley, LCSW, a licensed clinical social worker with Thriveworks in Tampa who specializes in relationships, self-esteem, and stress, a smear campaign is a manipulation tactic aimed at damaging another person’s reputation and isolating them from their support system. The goal is to portray themselves as a victim or faultless in the situation.
Natalie Jambazian, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist, explains that a narcissistic smear campaign involves spreading lies about the target, such as accusing them of cheating or mistreating the narcissist. It can also manifest as undermining a coworker’s intelligence or credibility after they receive praise from their boss. These are just a couple of examples.
Elisabeth Crain, PsyD, a clinical psychologist, Katherine Danley, LCSW, and Natalie Jambazian, LMFT, are experts in this field who provide valuable insights. The smear campaign is a way for narcissists to seek revenge, protect their image, or fight back when they feel threatened. They want to regain control and power by tarnishing the target’s reputation. Gaslighting is often used to make the target question themselves and doubt their actions.
Jambazian mentions that smear campaigns can start quickly and may continue for a long time, resurfacing years later with false narratives. These campaigns can involve friends, family, ex-partners, or even coworkers as targets. The ultimate goal is to maintain the narcissist’s self-view as perfect while deflecting attention from their own issues.