Last week, we witnessed a significant astrological event as Pluto shifted back into Aquarius after entering the sign of change last year – a major occurrence of 2024. This marks the start of a new era and week of heightened illumination and solutions in all areas of life. In fact, your horoscope for January 21 to 27, 2024 has some exciting developments.
Venus, the planet of relationships, entering no-nonsense Capricorn on January 23 shifts the vibe to a more serious and future-focused tone. This influence encourages us to establish solid foundations within our closest relationships. The full moon in Leo on January 25 urges us to recenter our desires and take up space, with a focus on seeking guidance and healing from our inner child.
January 26 is a day of major astrological events, as the sun in Aquarius squares off with Jupiter in Taurus, bringing a stroke of luck and important turning points in personal beliefs and goals. Uranus also ends its retrograde in Taurus on the same day, signifying the beginning of a period with no retrograde planets. Sudden breakthroughs and ideas may come when we least expect it.
January 27 is a day of initiating a new cycle regarding our boundaries and time, with Mercury and Mars meeting in Capricorn. This is an ambitious day which may lead to commitments to new projects or goals. Venus in Capricorn forming a supportive sextile with Saturn in Pisces on the same day means that it’s a productive time to address commitments and discuss next steps in our closest relationships.
To gain a closer look at the cosmic shifts taking place and know what to expect, continue reading your weekly horoscope based on your zodiac sign. It is also important to note your sun sign and rising sign for a comprehensive understanding of what’s in store.
Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from January 21 to January 27, 2024 include:
Monday, January 22: Moon enters Cancer
Tuesday, January 23: Venus enters Capricorn
Wednesday, January 24: Moon enters Leo
Thursday, January 25: Full moon in Leo
Friday, January 26: Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus
Friday, January 26: Uranus retrograde in Taurus ends
Saturday, January 27: Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Mars in Capricorn
Saturday, January 27: Moon enters Virgo
Saturday, January 27: Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces
To dive into your specific weekly horoscope according to your zodiac sign, check out the details and expect insights and predictions based on your individual sign for January 21 to 27, 2024. And if you want even more cosmic insights, explore your full January 2024 horoscope or take a broader look at your yearly 2024 horoscope.