The boys and I are off school for winter break, and we’ve been spending a lot of time together. Even during regular weeks, I have them 75% of the time, so the three of us have developed lots of little rituals and goofy inside jokes. It’s been an adjustment to the all-or-nothingness of parenting after divorce, but we’re making it work.
This week, we went to dinner with our friend Grace and played the funniest simple game while waiting for our food. We tried to count to 20 as a group, and anyone could call out each number, but two people couldn’t say the number at the same time. It ended up being so funny and we had a great time.
My friend Selena originally taught us the game, and we ended up dying laughing because it got so tense. We even tried playing with our eyes closed, which somehow made it easier? I love these kinds of random games where you don’t need paper or cards, so you can play anytime.
What other simple games do you enjoy with your family? Any other family rituals you have up your sleeves?
(Top photo by Alpha Smoot from our home tour.)