Have you ever taken a color vision test to determine if you have color vision deficiency? This condition is usually inherited and can affect your ability to see certain colors. People with color vision deficiency may not always be aware of it, but may discover it in real-life situations, such as at traffic lights. There are four types of color blindness, which can affect the perception of red and green or blue and yellow. True color blindness, seeing only in shades of black and white, is rare. If you can read certain words without hesitation, it’s likely you don’t suffer from any of the four types of color blindness. Can you read these words without hesitation: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT? If so, you may not have color blindness. There are four types of color blindness, affecting approximately 8% of men and 0.5% of women. These types include total color blindness, deuteranomalia, protanopia, and tritanopia. Take a test to determine if you have any of them.