In the popular Netflix show, Stranger Things, the concept of an alternate dimension, the Upside Down, existing alongside our world was explored. This idea is not exclusive to fiction, as scientists like physicist Leah Broussard are attempting to open portals into a mirror universe that could exist parallel to our own.
Exploring a Mirror Universe
Leah Broussard’s experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory aims to send subatomic particles into a mirror world, if successful, it could provide evidence of this parallel universe.
This mirror world would operate under its own laws of physics and history, potentially harboring mirror atoms, planets, and stars that are entirely disconnected from our reality [1].
Origins of the Theory
The theory of a mirror universe stems from particle physics experiments that showed discrepancies in the behavior of neutrons, hinting at the presence of mirror matter. This unseen dark matter could be residing in the mirror world, potentially explaining cosmic phenomena like dark matter and high-energy cosmic rays [2].
Dispelling Myths
Contrary to sci-fi depictions, Broussard believes a mirror universe wouldn’t harbor “evil” versions of ourselves. While some doubt the existence of mirror particles, Broussard sees the potential discovery as a significant breakthrough in science [3].