Last time I shared an event that made me thankful – a small mishap that could have gone very, very wrong, but didn’t. Readers shared their own gratitude lists – and offered the most uplifting, feel-good set of comments, ever.
Reader Linda D. is grateful for her wonderfully loving and supportive family…
“I am grateful for a loving family who were concerned enough…to suggest multi-generational living and find a house to buy that is arranged to give me required privacy and personal space while still having the use of the entire home and the security of help nearby…”
Reader Lydia shared her gratitude for a very happy ending after her two sisters were hospitalized due to Covid – read her story in the comments.
Reader Norrie describes her triumph after years struggling as a single mother…
“…I own my own home and car, no debts. I can afford health care and food. I was able to retire. Things I never thought I could achieve 30 years ago….”
For Reader Amy, it’s the simple things….
“I am grateful for Spring – with its budding blossoms and lime green stubs of leaves.”
Need some inspiration? Readers Sharon and Shirley share their inspiring faith and optimism in the face of incredibly challenging circumstances – look for them in the comments!
Finally Reader Conceição offers a thanksgiving list that ends with a very powerful reminder.
“Can you count the millions of people who do not share these privileges? Do I have bad moments? Of course, plenty! But the good things in my life I do not take for granted…”
Take a minute to read through all the comments and share what’s on your gratitude list and why. We’ll leave the comments open for a while – so write in and let us know what’s on your Gratitude List.
Original column:
I took a pretty bad fall on Lexington Avenue recently (and a big shout out to the two gals who helped me). I was certainly grateful for their help – otherwise I would have remained on my back, failing my arms and legs uselessly. Like some urban turtle.
But wait!
I realized later what a complete catastrophe it could have been. I could have broken one of my tiny wrists – I’d be unable to work, and unable to handle daily personal care and living. I could have broken a hip (and I live on the top floor of a walkup!)
Luckily I just got a bit banged up and sported a few dramatic looking bruises for a week or three.
But that got me thinking about Thanksgiving.
I’m grateful, of course, for my health and my family’s health, my apartment lease and my Senior Planet gig and colleagues. (Seriously it’s the best job I’ve ever had!)
I’m grateful for being able to use my writing talents in a way that is personally and societally satisfying. I’m grateful for all the people I love.
But after that fall, I realized that there are a host of other things in the background of life that I could also be thankful for…sometimes, if I only knew what they were.
I’m talking about the dodged bullets, the close shaves and narrow escapes, the lucky breaks and hidden blessings.
I’m grateful for the big stuff – and for the little stuff, too, like the two women who stopped what they were doing to help an older woman sprawled on the sidewalk, or the bus driver who waits while I cross the street waving frantically, and holds the door open a beat longer so I can board.
But that’s me – how about you? What are you thankful for this year – big or small, obvious or hidden? Let us know in the comments!
Virge Randall is Senior Planet’s Managing Editor. She is also a freelance culture reporter who seeks out hidden gems and unsung (or undersung) treasures for Straus Newspapers; her blog “Don’t Get Me Started” puts a quirky new spin on Old School New York City. Send Open Thread suggestions to