Measuring Myelin Loss in the Aging Brain
Myelin acts as an insulating sheath for the axonal connections between neurons, essential for proper nervous system function. Aging and demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis lead to myelin loss, impacting neural function. Researchers are striving to better measure age-related myelin loss using advanced imaging technologies, comparing established and innovative approaches.
The study of myelination is vital due to its significant impact on neural function. Myelin acts as an insulator, enhancing electrical signal transmission within the nervous system and influencing learning, memory, and cognitive function throughout life. Recent studies show changes in brain myelin over the lifespan, affecting brain plasticity during normal aging. Advanced imaging techniques like Myelin Streamlines Decomposition (MySD) offer new possibilities for studying myelin network changes during aging, surpassing traditional methods like Tractometry.
The results demonstrate critical effects of aging on myelin network architecture, with peak development around 40 years of age followed by natural degeneration. MySD outperforms traditional approaches in detecting myelin network changes during normal aging.