Scrolling through social media platforms like TikTok, you’ll come across an abundance of health tips and warnings, leaving you unsure of what to believe. Recently, there has been a claim that using a massage gun on your neck can be dangerous, with warnings about constricted blood flow and potential stroke symptoms. While this may sound like mere social media exaggeration, there is some truth to it, albeit with important nuances.
So, is it safe to use a massage gun on your neck? The answer depends on where exactly on your neck you are targeting. According to Gendai Echezona, MD, a triple board-certified anesthesiologist and pain management specialist, it is important to avoid the front and sides of the neck due to vital structures like veins and arteries. Reports have indicated potential issues such as headaches, dizziness, or stroke-like symptoms.
For example, a case report in the World Journal of Clinical Cases highlighted a woman who developed blood clots in her carotid arteries after using a neck massager, leading to stroke-like symptoms. Another case report detailed a woman who experienced headache, neck pain, and dizziness after repetitive use of a massage gun and was found to have vertebral artery dissection.
However, when used correctly, massage guns can be a helpful tool for addressing muscle tension. To use a massage gun safely on your neck, experts recommend avoiding the front part of the neck, focusing on the muscles toward the back half, using the correct attachment, and limiting the massage session to 2-10 minutes.
In addition, caution should be exercised when using a massage gun on other sensitive areas of the body, such as bony areas, joints, head, face, areas over the heart, abdominal, or pelvic organs, open wounds or infections, and genital areas.
If you’re uncertain about the safety of using a massage gun in a particular area, it is best to avoid it or consult with a healthcare professional for guidance. Ultimately, if you continue to experience sore muscles, lifestyle adjustments such as stretching, maintaining proper posture, and staying hydrated, as well as heat therapy, can help alleviate discomfort. It is crucial to seek personalized advice from a healthcare provider if your pain or discomfort persists.