As the body’s largest organ, our skin is constantly exposed to the elements, making skin conditions a common issue for people of all ages. One common condition is milia, which causes tiny white bumps on the skin. While milia often appears in infants, it can also affect people of all ages due to clogged skin ducts from injuries or burns.
Milia can come in different forms, with each type corresponding to different causes and ages of onset. In most cases, milia is harmless and will disappear on its own, but it can be unsightly and uncomfortable for some individuals. In such cases, there are various treatment options available, including cryotherapy, deroofing, topical retinoids, chemical peels, laser ablation, and more. It’s important to note that attempting to remove milia at home can be dangerous and should only be done by a professional.
There are also preventative measures individuals can take to reduce the likelihood of developing milia, including using sunscreen, avoiding heavy products on the skin, and regularly exfoliating to keep pores clean. Ultimately, while milia is generally harmless, if you have concerns or wish to treat it, it’s important to consult with a doctor for the best course of action.