Kenneth Foard McCallion, an environmental attorney known for his successful litigation involving the Exxon Valdez and Bhopal Gas disasters, joins us to discuss the implications of the recent Supreme Court decision in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency. In a 6-3 decision, the conservative justices ruled against the agency’s ability to implement comprehensive policies to combat global warming. McCallion argues that this ruling severely impacts the nation’s climate change policies. Despite widespread public support for government action to address climate change, the Court has undermined the authority of agencies like the EPA to develop effective policies based on scientific insight.
In this episode, Kenneth delves into the ideological shift of the Supreme Court and the potential for new regulations to combat climate change in the wake of this ruling. He also offers advice for individuals to influence legislative bodies to enact laws and programs that address emissions and environmental restoration. His new book, Saving the World One Case at a Time, recounts his career fighting polluters and representing vulnerable populations and is available for purchase.
Editor’s Note: This podcast was originally published on July 22, 2022.