“If cardiovascular exercise could be packaged up in a pill, it would be the most prescribed drug for its numerous health benefits,” says Todd Buckingham, PhD, a triathlete, coach, and professor of movement science at Grand Valley State University. Cardiovascular exercise, also known as “cardio” or “aerobic exercise,” has been proven to enhance everything from body composition to sleep quality. Unlike a prescription drug, this “miracle drug” is completely free and easily accessible as long as you maintain a consistent routine. In this article, experts Todd Buckingham and Pete McCall delve into the various benefits of cardiovascular exercise.
Firstly, what exactly is cardio? According to Buckingham, cardiovascular exercise refers to any physical activity that elevates your heart rate above its resting level. During cardio workouts, your body uses oxygen to produce energy for sustained physical activity and eliminates carbon dioxide at an accelerated rate. This process results in quicker breathing during exercise. Cardio encompasses a wide range of activities, some of which may not seem like traditional exercise, such as cleaning or gardening. Popular forms of cardio include walking, running, swimming, and cycling.
The benefits of cardiovascular exercise are numerous and compelling, making it a vital component of a healthy lifestyle. Here are some key advantages that will motivate you to incorporate cardio into your routine:
1. Heart health: Regular cardio can lower your risk of heart disease by strengthening your heart muscle and increasing its efficiency in pumping blood throughout your body.
2. Weight management: By burning calories, cardio can aid in weight loss or maintenance by balancing energy expenditure and consumption.
3. Blood pressure: Cardiovascular exercise can contribute to lower blood pressure, reducing the strain on your heart and blood vessels.
4. Mental well-being: Exercise has a positive impact on mental health, potentially reducing the risk of conditions like depression and improving brain function.
5. Immunity boost: Regular cardio exercise is associated with a lower risk of infections and increased vaccine effectiveness, enhancing your overall immune system.
6. Insulin sensitivity: Cardio can improve insulin sensitivity, benefitting individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance.
7. Sleep quality: Engaging in cardio at least an hour before bedtime may improve sleep quality and reduce sleep latency.
To experience the benefits of cardiovascular exercise, consider incorporating a beginner-friendly workout routine into your schedule. This workout can be done at home without any equipment and can be adjusted based on your fitness level. Consistency and dedication to your cardio regimen will ensure you reap all the incredible benefits this “miracle drug” has to offer.