The Hearty Soul presents: 6 Sleep Related Diseases Your Lack Of Sleep Could Be Causing
Sleep is one of the most blissful and essential activities for our survival. When we sleep, our bodies go through millions of processes to recharge and heal from the stresses of the day. However, when we don’t get enough sleep, it can have serious effects on our health.
Research has shown that poor sleeping habits can lead to serious and life-threatening conditions. Here are 6 diseases that have been linked to lack of sleep:
1. Alzheimer’s: Lack of sleep can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease and impact its progression.
2. Obesity and Diabetes: Poor sleep can lead to high fatty acid levels in the blood, causing insulin resistance and potentially leading to obesity and diabetes.
3. Cardiovascular Disease: Poor sleep is linked to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.
4. Suicide: Individuals experiencing difficulties with sleep are 1.4 times more likely to commit suicide, according to a 10-year study.
5. Ulcerative colitis: The right amount of sleep is necessary to curb inflammation responses within the digestive system.
6. Prostate Cancer: Sleep issues have been linked to an increased incidence and severity of prostate cancer.
These findings show just how important it is to prioritize and prioritize getting enough sleep for our overall health and well-being.